From the tender dawn of new life to the gentle twilight of the unknown, my commitment is always in support of my clients’ full-circle journey. 

My Ethos:

Once upon a time, there was a girl whose eyes witnessed the extraordinary within each soul she encountered.

Her journey traversed many seasons before she realized the depth of her gift: a gift bestowed upon her not for vanity, but to serve others' highest good.

She saw herself not merely as a guide, but as a constant companion through life's rich chapters.

That girl became the healer within me, and my spirit is constantly yearning to create a sanctuary of growth and transformation for others. 

How I Work:

Through trials and teachings, I have uncovered the transformative force within, crafting a tapestry of profound guidance for others. Along my path, mentors illuminated the way, bestowing upon me their knowledge, wisdom and unique practices.

I’ve witnessed life's fragile beauty, alongside its harrowing agony, deepest fears, and moments of despair. Through embracing life's cycles, I’ve learned to guide healing currents, to cultivate courage, love, acceptance, self-discovery, and empowerment.

My deepest desire is to foster a nurturing environment— where souls and bodies flourish and thrive, from the earliest moments of life to the mysteries beyond.

Transitional Midwifery:

I assist individuals and their families at intervals of transition including but not limited to the end of life journey.  I help to navigate both the loss of a loved one and the transition from the familiar rhythms of life to a new phase, where we are still discovering how to exist moving forward.

I am a member of International End of life doula Association and National End of Life doula Alliance.

I completed a 9 month Death Midwifery training in the Nine keys apprenticeship. Since completing the program, I continue to expand my education.

My Mission:

I am here to foster deep, transformational experience of life and death journeys. I talk freely about the topic of death, allowing people to feel and understand natural emotions related to the process. There is no place for judgment in my practice. I aim for you to have as much knowledge about death as you do about the miracle of birth.

I serve as a Guide:

I reveal a safe path without interfering with the natural process of transition whether it be in the space of grief, expansion, life, love, money, death, birth, and so much more.

Through my sessions, I offer support for my clients to find grounding, inner peace and strength. To navigate through a myriad feelings and emotions. As we cannot separate ourselves from the natural flow of life, I guide people to recognize and navigate this unique journey called life.